Agreement of Subject and Predicate Test 1 Answers

Agreement of subject and predicate is the foundation of any well-written sentence. If you’re struggling with this concept, don’t worry – you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll go over test 1 answers of agreement of subject and predicate, so you can check your understanding and improve your writing.

Before we dive into the answers, let’s review what agreement of subject and predicate means. Simply put, the subject and predicate of a sentence must agree in both number and person. This means that if the subject of a sentence is singular, the predicate must also be singular. If the subject is plural, the predicate must also be plural. Additionally, the subject and predicate must agree in terms of whether they are first, second, or third person.

Now, let’s take a look at some examples to test your agreement of subject and predicate knowledge:

1. The cat (sleep) peacefully on the windowsill.

Answer: The cat sleeps peacefully on the windowsill.

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is “the cat”, which is singular. Therefore, the predicate must also be singular, in this case, “sleeps.”

2. The dogs (bark) loudly in the park.

Answer: The dogs bark loudly in the park.

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is “the dogs”, which is plural. Therefore, the predicate must also be plural, in this case, “bark.”

3. She and I (plan) to take a trip to Europe next year.

Answer: She and I plan to take a trip to Europe next year.

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is “she and I”, which is first person plural. Therefore, the predicate must also be first person plural, in this case, “plan.”

4. The teacher (explain) the concept to her students.

Answer: The teacher explains the concept to her students.

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is “the teacher”, which is singular. Therefore, the predicate must also be singular, in this case, “explains.”

5. My brother and his friends (play) basketball after school.

Answer: My brother and his friends play basketball after school.

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is “my brother and his friends”, which is plural. Therefore, the predicate must also be plural, in this case, “play.”

By mastering the agreement of subject and predicate, you’ll be able to write clear, concise, and grammatically correct sentences. Keep practicing, and soon enough, you’ll be able to perfect your writing.