General Agreement about a Given Point

General Agreement about a Given Point: What It Is and How to Achieve It

In any communication, whether it be written or verbal, the goal is often to convey a message to a particular audience. One of the most important aspects of successful communication is achieving general agreement about a given point. This refers to a situation where all parties involved in the communication process are in consensus about a particular aspect of the message being conveyed. Achieving this general agreement can be challenging, but it is a crucial step to ensure effective communication and avoid misunderstandings.

What Is General Agreement?

General agreement refers to a situation where all parties involved in the communication process are in agreement about a particular point. This means that they share the same understanding of what is being communicated and there is no ambiguity or confusion. This agreement can happen naturally when people share a common language or cultural background, but it can also be difficult to achieve when there are differences in these areas.

The Importance of General Agreement

Achieving general agreement is essential in effective communication. When people are in agreement, it means that they have a mutual understanding of what is being communicated. This can help prevent misunderstandings and reduce the risk of creating confusion or misinterpretation.

In situations where general agreement is not achieved, the message being conveyed can become distorted, and the intended meaning can be lost. This can lead to miscommunication, which can have negative consequences, such as conflict or delays in decision-making.

How to Achieve General Agreement

The key to achieving general agreement is to ensure that everyone involved in the communication process has a clear and precise understanding of the message being conveyed. Here are some tips to help achieve this:

1. Define Terms Clearly

One of the most common reasons for miscommunication is the lack of a shared understanding of terms used. It’s important to take the time to define key terms being used and ensure everyone involved in the communication process is aware of their meaning.

2. Use Simple Language

Using complicated language or jargon can make it difficult for people to understand the message being conveyed. Using simple language and avoiding technical terms can help ensure that everyone can understand the message.

3. Confirm Understanding

During the communication process, it’s important to confirm that everyone involved has a clear understanding of what is being said. This can be achieved by asking for feedback or asking questions to clarify any confusion.

4. Encourage Feedback

Encouraging feedback can help to identify any areas of confusion or misunderstandings. This can help to address these issues and ensure that everyone involved has a clear understanding of the message being conveyed.


Achieving general agreement is an essential part of effective communication. It helps to ensure that all parties involved have a clear understanding of the message being conveyed, reducing the risk of misunderstandings or conflict. By defining terms clearly, using simple language, confirming understanding, and encouraging feedback, you can help achieve general agreement and ensure effective communication.